Tuesday, February 07, 2017

30 Years of MMCA

To celebrate the 30th 'birthday' of the MMCA (Museum for Modern and Contemporary Art), the museum decided to hold a special exhibition called As the Moon Waxes and Wanes. The exhibition displays not only its 30 years old history but also commemorates the works of various featured artists. Just like in the way the moon waxes and wanes, the artworks portray the change in society in relation to our culture through time.

Since the relocation of the museum from Seoul to Gwacheon, you have to get off the Seoul Grand Park station then take the shuttle bus to the museum. The MMCA is located on a hill, sporting a magnificent view over mountains, a lake and the nearby animal park as well as Seoul Land (an amusement park).

I didn't incorporate any 'detailed' artworks since it would somehow feel unfair to upload them here. Honestly, I must admit that I couldn't understand most of the artworks, some gave out a weird vibe, but the trip was still worth it - you can always see and learn something new and unexpected. The exhibit is open till the 12th of February, so if you happen to be near, go pay a visit - there are many things to see and do in the area not only the museum (admission was free by the way!).

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